Tuesday, January 12, 2010


well skrg aku dh ade facebook..so tunggu pe lg??add la !! cari natasha hazlin ,,nnti kluar lah

gmbr aku yg s~s tuh..haha..k lah juz wanna promote my fb..ngok-.-'..(kalau cmtuh baek x yah

post) BIG L for u !! LOL!! soooo don't 4get to add me kayh!! bubbye!!

Monday, January 4, 2010


sry sbb dh lme x update ...btw,kali nie aku nk cite psl skola menengah....
aku skola kat usj8 dgn sorg kwn S.K.S and ramai kwn skola AGAME...ok,on the oriantation day i was like soo nervous and freeking out like hell..but on the first day (semalam) was okay lah...
hari nih x tau la cm ne plak...k lah this is a short post sbb mls nk tulis pepnjg ...

heeeee~ bye!